In the year 1882, the Very Rev. Father Leonor Fouesnel, SS.CC., pastor of St. Anthony Church, Wailuku, was sent to the United States by Bishop Herman Koeckemann in search of teachers, who would take charge of the St. Anthony Boys' School. His search was not in vain, for on September 5, 1882, Brothers Thomas Eichorn, Francis Marx and John Parr of the Society of Mary, Marianists, of Dayton, Ohio, arrived as the pioneer trio.
The three Brothers opened school on September 10, 1883. Since the new school had not been completed, the Brothers conducted the three classes in one room. After six weeks the new school was entirely built and the starting enrollment of sixty-two pupils was cared for more efficiently. By the end of the school term the number of pupils had almost doubled - to 105 students. At that time, tuition was thirty eight cents per student per month.
The school drew many boys from outside Wailuku. The Kahului Railroad, which ran from the depot in Lower Paia to the depot located at the junction of Mill and Main Streets brought many boys to the school.
Brother Thomas, the first principal, was transferred to Honolulu in 1895. Brother Francis Herold served as principal until 1919. The people called him "Brother Frank", and St. Anthony School was known as "Brother Franks' School."
The Marianist brothers and priests have been dedicated, talented and intellectual men demonstrating patience, discipline and love of their students. They have been active boosters of student activities and have also been Athletic Directors, band moderators, club advisors, etc. They have helped organize alumni groups, and have shared their talents with the church throughout the years. They have also given their time and talent to people of the community through private lessons, by providing consolation to suffering families, visiting the ill, participating in celebrations, and in many other ways.
Today, St. Anthony School is a Marianists sponsored school.
Elementary Grades
Commercial High, 9-10: 1925-1939
College Prep Program, 1940-1968
Coed High School, 1968
Junior-Senior High School, 1970
Phone: 808-244-4190 | Email: | Office Hours: 7:30am - 3:30pm
1618 Lower Main Street, Wailuku, HI 96793