Volunteer at the bazaar

Strength in Unity


St. Anthony School is a Marianist sponsored K – 12 Catholic school where all are welcomed in the spirit of aloha. We are committed to serving mind, body and spirit in a nurturing and challenging academic environment that inspires each student to be their individual best for the world.


We envision St. Anthony School as a thriving top school of choice where our students reach their full potential and make a positive, meaningful contribution to our campus, our community and our world.


About Us


Currently enrolled students, please register by logging in to your existing FACTS account:  https://stas-hi.client.renweb.com/pwr/


Led by students every Friday during Lent (except March 28). 1:50 pm in the church.  All are welcome!


No school 3/24 - 3/28/2025.  Office closed 3/26 Prince Kuhio Day


4/5/2025 Join us for the return of this long-standing tradition of fun and community!


Saturday, June 21 - The Dunes at Maui Lani Golf Course


Saturday, June 28 - Sullivan Field, St. Anthony School

Apply for Financial Aid

Legacy in . . .

Characteristics of a Marianist Education (CME)

St. Anthony School continues to educate students in the Marianist tradition. We provide a learning environment rich in the Characteristics of Marianist Education and the Marianist Charism which sustains us and helps us live lives as vibrant people of faith.

The Society of Mary, developed five educational characteristics it pledges to uphold and promote in its institutions.  A St. Anthony student is a self-directed life-long learner who maintains the Characteristics of Marianist Education. To achieve this, St. Anthony School continues to:

Educate for Formation in Faith

Igniting a commitment that touches the heart and a freedom to choose an authentic response in faith; to form students to embrace Gospel values and Christian attitudes

Provide an Integral, Quality Education

Promoting quality education of the whole person: spiritually, academically, socially, emotionally, and physically

Providing an environment where Marianist and Christian beliefs permeate our education community

Education in Spirit of 'Ohana

Forming interpersonal relationships characterized by Marianist traits of openness, hospitality, graciousness, faith, and aloha.

Creating a favorable and beneficial environment for education with

collaborative structures and processes

Educate for Service, Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation

Developing respect for the dignity and rights of ALL people

Promoting the formation of Christian service groups to foster peace and to

attend to the needs of the poor, the abused, the marginalized and the alienated

Fostering and nurturing a love for our ‘aina (land) and all of God’s creation with a deep understanding of God’s call to stewardship through service and action

Educate for Adaptation and Change

Developing critical thinking skills to bring about positive change to shape the future

Cultivating concern for global and local issues regarding culture, ecology, and

the use of technology


The Marianist Charism is a gift given by the Holy Spirit that animates the hearts of Marianists worldwide. There are five pillars that are the primary focal points and beliefs which support the livelihood and actions of the Marianists around the world. By understanding these basic principles, we can grow deeper in our spirituality as a Marianist school. Click on the Marianist logo for more information on the Marianist Society.



The St. Anthony School preschool builds a foundation of faith for young children in where they can play, learn, and grow with God.

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Grade School

Our St. Anthony Grade School curriculum is carefully crafted to address each student’s ability and learning.

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Middle School

Our goal is to provide a nurturing and progressive academic structure wherein the student can grow their mind and spirit.

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High School

St. Anthony High School is unique in its ability to create an open and collaborative climate, where students are encouraged to ask questions, actively listen and express themselves respectfully.

More details


After 176 years now of the Maui community taking care of St. Anthony School, we are now gratified to take care of the Maui community.

  • Our Board has approved an adjusted tuition schedule for the 2025-26 school year. Tuition for Grades K - 5 will be $9,850 and tuition for Grades 6 - 12 will be $11,500. Additional scholarship funds are available, the majority of which are need-based.
  • It is important to register as soon as possible to ensure space, and there are firm deadlines on some of the tuition assistance scholarships. 

Our curriculum resources for teaching and learning.

  • Accreditation through the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC), the Western Catholic Education Association (WCEA), and the Hawaii Association of Independent Schools (HAIS). 
  • SAS completed the rigorous review progress through the Hawaii Council of Private Schools (HCPS) to complete our license as a Hawaii private school. 
  • This year brought the introduction of progress monitoring achievement testing, and we are seeing notable gains in student performance. 
  • We provide 1:1 technology device availability and instruction focusing on critical thinking skills.
  • Accommodations for individual learning styles are developed as needed. 
  • Smaller class environments at all levels.
  • Continued enhancement of Hawaiian language and cultural programming is underway, involving both local and higher education resources. Hawaiian language instruction is available as an option now in high school, with additional programming beginning in the fall. Full implantation of this program will be completed for the 2026-27 school year. 
  • Continued development of 21st century skills, and enhanced learning opportunities, including STEM programming options.

Our academy sport option for next school year.

  • This includes the utilization of coaching staff who are currently well established in our community. 
  • This option for students entails dedicated time during the school day for skill development. This would be in addition to current offerings for grade school and middle school, and Maui Interscholastic League  PAC-3 coalition sports.
  • Development of athletic ability in the younger grades to provide for cohesive programming. 

Stewardship, the sharing of time and talent, is a core Christian component, and essential to community. Not only do these help support school programming but they enable greater connection between families and between families and the school. A variety of options and opportunities are available: on campus, with extracurricular activities, at school events, and those that may be done at home. There are also community events – such as assisting with the the St. Anthony School Bazaar  which returns on April 5. 

As a Catholic, Marianist-sponsored school, we are committed to serving mind, body and spirit in a nurturing and challenging academic environment that inspires each student to be their individual best for the world. Our mission is to enable our students to reach their full potential and make a positive, meaningful contribution to our community and our world. Our core values encompass excellent student learning, family, friendship, integrity, faith, and generosity.

We know that you have options in selecting a school for your child, and are pleased and honored that you have chosen SAS. We hope to be able to continue working with you and your family until your child graduates high school. Once again, should you have any questions now or throughout the process, please do not hesitate to contact any of us on staff. We want to work with and be here for you for many years to come.

And Jesus came and said to them, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age."
Matthew 28: 18-20 (RSV-CE)

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